Wednesday, April 30, 2014

2014 Daily Photo Project - Day 53 - 4-30-2014

For today's photo I went pretty simple. I traveled a whole 200 feet from my house to the trees in the front of my property. 

This photo is of what used to be the path between the trees to the geocache that I have in my front yard. While I was out there, I thought about all of the people that traveled through these trees to find that geocache. On occasion, I would be home and go out and introduce myself. Have met some great people that I am still friends with to this day. Will see most of them at ASP Geobash in a few weeks. Can't wait.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

2014 Daily Photo Project - Day 52 - 4-29-2014

Decided to get the "nifty fifty" out when I got home.  Love this lens.  It produces not only great bokeh, but incredible sharpness where you want it.

The lilac bush is waking up very slowly this year.... like everything else.  Usually it's filled with leaves by now, but the late Spring has it set back.

Monday, April 28, 2014

2014 Daily Photo Project - Day 51 - 4-28-2014

Tried a little experiment today.  I zoomed in on a bud on one of my Azaleas.  I took a long exposure shot where I zoomed out from the bud the entire time of the exposure.  Pretty hard to get right actually.  Definitely a very odd result.

Experimenting is the fun part of a photo challenge sometime.  When you have nothing else, try something crazy and see what happens.

See you tomorrow.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Grader on the North Country National Scenic Trail

I was on the Clarion Chapter of the North Country National Scenic Trail's monthly hike for April yesterday and me and my hiking buddy Gene were taking our sweet old time at the tail end of the group.  We came across an abandoned grader.  It seemed like the perfect subject for a little hike break / photo shoot.

Had a lot of fun in several minutes at this spot.  The sun was beating down and washing things out, making photos hard, but I'm happy with the way they turned out.

2014 Daily Photo Project - Day 50 - 4-27-2014

Went over to my sister's house this afternoon.  Was a nice day to hang out outside.  A friend of my sister's just lent her a bad ass bee hive to get her started in beekeeping.  It is called the "Swarm Trooper"

How cool is that.  If you look closely at the photo, you can see several bees making their approach for the hive.  I also took a close-up..... as close as I dare without a beekeepers suit.

Pretty cool.  When I saw it, it just had to be my photo subject for today.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

2014 Daily Photo Project - Day 49 - 4-26-2014

Took a quick solo trip out to Seneca Point just before sunset.  This time of year, you have a good chance of having the place all to yourself.  This was the case today.  I did more just relaxing, taking in the solitude in such a lovely place than taking photographs.  Did however take this 3 shot HDR.  A little sloppy as the wind was blowing the trees and I was hand holding the camera, but they can't all be masterpieces.

Tomorrow is supposed to be a nice day.  Let's see what I find tomorrow.

Friday, April 25, 2014

2014 Daily Photo Project - Day 48 - 4-25-2014

Decided to actually take my lunch outside of work today.  Grabbed some Subway and headed for the parking lot under the Veteran's Bridge over the Allegheny River.  There is a small park adjacent to the bridge, so I decided to see if I could find some photos in a few minutes before heading back to the plant.

This nice young lady showed me how to skip rocks in the river.

Another young lady was just getting back from an inner tube ride on the Allegheny.  Bet she was cold today.

This Canadian Goose was just basically loitering.  Kind of identified with him.  Took his picture and we just stared at each other for a few moments and went on our separate ways. :)

Thursday, April 24, 2014

2014 Daily Photo Project - Day 47 - 4-24-2014

My wife and I were on our way back from Marienville this afternoon.  We took as many back roads as possible so that I could find a photo for the day.  We went past a camp in Vowinckel that Ashley's Grandpa used to own.  She wanted to stop and so we did.  I was just barely able to sneak the lens through a crack in the, now falling down, camp to catch this photo that I saw in my head.

A few other scenes caught my eye while we were there.  The taillight on the camper itself being one of them.

This little dog is up in a tree at the entrance to the property, about 8 feet up in the air.  Never noticed it till we were leaving.

There were quite a few other things that caught my eye, but the Sun was beaming down pretty heavily on the front yard, making capturing them correctly nearly impossible.  I think a return trip will be in order in the near future.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

2014 Daily Photo Project - Day 46 - 4-23-2014

Can't seem to break the black and white kick I seem to be stuck with lately.  I took the long way home from work today, up 62 through Tionesta.  This is the bridge across the Allegheny River at Hunter Station Golf Course.

Probably won't be too many years till they decide to replace this old beauty.  Seems every year another old beautiful steel bridge in the area is replaced with a bland, boring, new concrete one.  These old bridges have character that the newer bridges never will.

See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

2014 Daily Photo Project - Day 45 - 4-22-2014

When I got home a few minutes ago, it is nearing dark and it is pretty dreary out.  All the colors are washed out and so I figured my best shot at a photo today would be a black and white.  Headed out to the front yard and snapped this one.

I'm starting to think that I will probably do a daily black and white photo project in the future.  Maybe start that when I end this one.  This one will come to an end when daylight savings time ends.  I'm thinking November through February would make a nice block of time to complete a project like that since everything is snow covered anyway.  We'll see.

Monday, April 21, 2014

2014 Daily Photo Project - Day 44 - 4-21-2014

Another selfie of sorts today.  This is what is called a pathtag.  Geocachers have them made and leave them in geocaches or trade with other geocachers.  I go to Allegany state Park Geobash in New York every May.  Between 700 and 1,200 geocachers attend this event every year.  I decided to make a small number of personal pathtags to trade with others at the event this year.  It came in the mail today, and I am very happy with the way it turned out.

This is a depiction of me hiking through a rock city found in the park.  This rock city is called Thunder Rocks.  Very cool place.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

2014 Daily Photo Project - Day 43 - 4-20-2014

Spent most of the day working in the yard.  Since I've been drawn to black and white lately, I decided to take a selfie out in the yard.  Me trying to blend in with the surroundings. :)

Saturday, April 19, 2014

2014 Daily Photo Project - Day 42 - 4-19-2014

Spent the later part of the day at my in-laws' house in New Bethlehem.  We were there for an Easter Dinner.  It was a nice day, so while the food was cooking, I headed out for a quick photo cruise.  This bridge, that is part of the Redbank Valley Trail System, caught my eye.  What caught my eye was the shadows being cast on the bridge components.  Shadows from the bridge itself and the trees flanking the bridge to it's left.

I felt that a black and white image would capture these shadows as I wanted to.

The Redbank Valley Trail is a wonderful rail trail that actually is Pennsylvania's Trail of the Year for 2014.  If you haven't spent some time on it, make some time for it.

See you tomorrow.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

2014 Daily Photo Project - Day 40 - 4-17-2014

A simple shot today.  Was working at putting up my new shed in a box and realized that I was losing light fast.  Decided to take a break and snap a quick picture.

Here's to hoping that this doesn't get covered with any snow. :)

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

2014 Daily Photo Project - Day 39 - 4-16-2014

Had to travel to our facility in East Palestine, Ohio for work today.  On my way home, I came past a Museum that was set up around an old train station.  I of course stopped and took some photos.

I'll start with the photo that I chose for my "photo of the day" and then include several others.  Enjoy.

A few more black and whites.

Now, for a little splash of color.  I like the black and whites better though personally.

Let's see what I bump into tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

2014 Daily Photo Project - Day 38 - 4-15-2014

A photo that was not the one that I had woken myself up at 2:15 in the morning for today.

The first of what are to be 4 "blood moons" over the next 18 months was early this morning.  A blood moon is a total lunar eclipse that is followed by the moon turning a reddish-orange.

As it turns out, we had 95% cloud cover, so it was not to be.  Got one shot early on and that was the last I saw of the moon.  The moon was just slightly eclipsed at this point.  Too bad, but I'll get another shot at a "blood moon" in October.  Hopefully Mother Nature will cooperate a little more.

See you tomorrow.

Monday, April 14, 2014

2014 Daily Photo Project - Day 37 - 4-14-2014

Found the first hints of flowering in my yard today.  The beginnings of a few small attempts on the part of our Lilac bush by our house.  Only a dozen or so, but they are trying.  Grabbed the 50mm and the macro extension rings and grabbed a few shots between rain showers.

Onward into Spring.......

Sunday, April 13, 2014

2014 Daily Photo Project - Day 36 - 4-13-2014

Had a day full of yard work on a beautiful day.  After dinner, my wife and I decided to go for a little cruise in the sunshine.  I of course took the camera to find a photo for today.  I had driven past my subject for today many times, but never ventured back to look closer at it.  When I did, I saw this photo immediately.

This is the Cook Tomb down in Cook Forest State Park.  What a place to spend eternity, huh?

Also took this black and white while there.

See you tomorrow.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

2014 Daily Photo Project - Day 35 - 4-12-2014

Had our first backyard fire of the day..... finally.  Well deserved after the Winter that we had.  Even heard peepers after the sun set.  Was great to sit in my camping chair sipping Angry Orchard by the fire.

My son had a few friends over and they decided to keep themselves entertained by burning cornstalks from the field behind our house.  Kept them entertained, and nobody got hurt.

Quite the fire bug my son is.

Friday, April 11, 2014

2014 Daily Photo Project - Day 34 - 4-11-2014

Went for a little ride through the rainy woods near my house.  Came across a fallen down tree with all kinds of growth happening on it.  Got home and started playing with the image and got a little carried away.  Decided that I liked it, so left it that way.

Supposed to be sunny tomorrow so we'll see what happens.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

2014 Daily Photo Project - Day 33 - 4-10-2014

My wife has been harassing me to start practicing with taking people photos.  I took the first step and purchased a hot shoe flash.  Since she has been so adamant about this, I told her she was going to help me with the practice.  She looks very pretty doesn't she? :)

I definitely need practice with this.  99% of the photos I have ever taken are of things and nature.  More people photos in the future.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

2014 Daily Photo Project - Day 32 - 4-09-2014

A photo taken with my lens cap on.

There are times when you see things that touch you so greatly that you find yourself unable to worry about your little, stupid, daily routines.  Got home a little while ago and found my creative energy zapped after watching the news about the tragedy at Franklin High School in Pittsburgh.

My thoughts and prayers are with those involved.  If you see this image, say a little prayer too that all pull through and find a way to deal with this.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

2014 Daily Photo Project - Day 31 - 4-08-2014

The sun was shining brightly when I got out of work today, so I immediately started my search for my photo.  I didn't search long.  I stopped at St. Michael's Catholic Church in Fryburg, PA on the way home.  My intent was to photograph the church in some unique way.  I pulled into the back parking lot and saw this photo in my mind as soon as I pulled up.

I really like this one.  The statue, with the blue skies and the flag in the right of the photograph just work together very nicely I think.

I of course had to try out a black and white while at the scene.

I'll save an interesting shot of the church for another day I suppose.

Monday, April 7, 2014

2014 Daily Photo Project - Day 30 - 4-07-2014

Had to attend to some stuff in Brookville this evening, which left me with just enough time to find something on the way home before darkness.

Found this old silo.

Kind of a cool old structure.  I think I still remember the barn that used to be attached to it.  Been a long time.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

2014 Daily Photo Project - Day 29 - 4-06-2014

Took a little trip up the road to the old stomping grounds, Marienville.  Heading down to Salmon Creek to a spot that is just called the Salmon Creek Fishing Rocks.  It is an interesting collection of huge boulders and a small island, that Salmon Creek flows by, over and around.

Did another HDR, but decided to do a little bit of extra post processing.  Part of my photography learning journey is not only to learn my camera, but to learn how to use all of the tools available to a modern day photographer.  In this photo, I removed all major colors except yellow and green.  I then added a lens flare effect.  Thought it was a nice touch.

This was taken from the island in the middle of the stream.  These little ferns on top of one of the boulders at the top end of the island caught my eye.

This is a scene looking down to where I crossed the creek to head back to my car.  Basically a shot of where I was standing in my last photo on this blog post.

And I took this shot when crossing the stream.

Was pretty fun getting my waders and taking my camera instead of my fishing pole.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

2014 Daily Photo Project - Day 28 - 4-05-2014

Went to Clarion Wally World early this morning to get a haircut and the oil changed in the car.  On the way home, I decided to stop at a familiar location for a quick photo or two.  Rapp Run Falls is just a few minutes outside of Clarion and a very relaxing place to visit.  This is a 5 shot HDR I did while there.

If you are ever in Clarion, you should check this little crick out.

Friday, April 4, 2014

2014 Daily Photo Project - Day 27 - 4-04-2014

Went over to our friends, Anita and Leonard Lahr's house for fish dinner tonight.  While we were eating, a quick thunderstorm blew through.  After it was gone, I looked outside and found a rainbow and some really funky lighting going on outside.  I went to the car and retrieved my camera.

While photographing the rainbow, I happened to look behind me and noticed this sky.

A few minutes later, the sky changed again.  I took this one from our friends' front porch.

One of those really great odd lighting opportunities.  Glad I had the camera with me so I could get a few pictures.