Saturday, March 22, 2014

2014 Daily Photo Project - Day 14 - 3-22-2014

The things that I liked to play with when I was a child were my lincoln logs.  My brother and I had like 4 sets of them, which enabled the building of a whole little town.  I would spend hours doing this.  Built with lincoln logs as much as other kids built with legos.

At some point nearer the end of my life, I want to build, what I would call a "trapper style" cabin.  If you have ever seen the reality tv show "Mountain Men" and seen Marty's cabins along his trapline.... that is what I am talking about.  Simple, no electric and no plumbing.  Would be like heaven to me.  Will take a lot of convincing the wife, as she does not like such rustic environments, but I have a feeling I'll win out in the end cause she loves me. :)  Right honey?  Maybe sometime in the next 10 years or so I'll buy a piece of property and make the dream a reality.

I have driven past this abandoned cabin many times.  It is just off of Route 36, a few miles from my house.  Always wanted to sneak back into the woods and take a look at it, just never did.  Decided today that since the property is not posted, there was no harm in taking a closer look.  Not sure who owns it, and why they let it get in the shape it's in, but I would consider it a crime.  It has definitely seen better days.  Wish I had one.

On an artistic note, you will notice, I took this in black and white.  Funny that I have a camera capable of capturing every little piece of color in a scene, and I find that I am developing a love for black and white.  I go to extremes, it seems.  I love saturated colors, much more saturated than most I would guess, but still love the simplicity that is a black and white image.

Here is another of the front of the cabin.  I took a bunch of color photos to, but just don't do it for me with this subject.

Till tomorrow, bye.

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